Week 13 — Nov 3

We’re back for another week! Did you enjoy the extra hour of sleep last night? I could do with a few more, myself. 😉

We’ve got quite a lot going on this week, so let’s get right to it.

English 10 and English 10 Honors folks, you’ve got a Unit 2 test this week. Here are the things that will be covered:
Unit 2 Vocabulary (Make sure that you study these! Vocabulary really hurt people on the Unit 1 Test!)
Unit 2 History and Background
“Autobiography” and “Poor Richard’s Almanack”
“The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano”
“Declaration of Independence”
“The Crisis”
“Speech in the Virginia Convention”

You should have study/discussion guides for each of these. If you’re missing anything, be sure to ask me about it in class on Monday and I can give you another copy.

English 10/English 10 Honors:
-Monday–finish discussing Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention
-Tuesday–Unit 2 Test
-Wednesday–Sophomore Retreat
-Thursday–ASPIRE testing
-Friday–Begin Unit 3

-Continued discussion of Learning, particularly Classical and Operant Conditioning

Let’s have a great week!

Week 12 — Oct 27

We had a great Homecoming Week! Thank you all for your participation. You made my first MCPS Field Day lots of fun. (I even survived Zombie Day, though it was close! 😉 )

We’ve got quite a bit going on this week, so let me give you some quick notes.

Sophomores, your field trip is on Thursday. There are still about 30 people who haven’t turned in the Field Trip permission form. I need that form ASAP. Please bring it in MONDAY. Also, if you’re planning to have pizza for lunch after the field trip, you need to be sure to give me $5 by Tuesday so that I can give Mr. Sherman the correct number. I also need a few more drivers for this trip. Our big bus is not working right now, so I need several extra drivers to help us transport students to Davis Theater and back to school. If you can help with this, please let me know as soon as possible!

Due Dates this week!
Monday, Oct 27Psychology students need to show data from their social psych experiments
Tuesday, Oct 28–deadline for Field Trip forms and Pizza money for Sophomores
Wednesday, Oct 29English 10/English 10 Honors Essay due
Thursday, Oct 30Sophomore Field trip to Davis Theater
Friday, Oct 31Psychology students–APA formatted Social Psych Experiment write-up due
Friday, Oct 31Eng 10/Eng 10 Honors Persuasive Speech Podcast Due
Friday, Oct 31Eng 10/Eng 10 Honors Unit 2 Literature Test

The last part of this week is heavy on due dates, but remember that we had plenty of class time to work on those assignments this past week. Also, if you aren’t sure how to do a podcast, it is important that you speak up at the beginning of class on Tuesday. We will make sure that you get help. Most of you have had to do at least one podcast this year or last year, so most of you have a good idea about how to start.

Here’s what we’re working on by class this week:

English 10/English 10 Honors:
-Patrick Henry’s Speech to a Virginia Convention
-Persuasive Essays due Wednesday, Oct 29–must be printed BEFORE CLASS. Air dropped or emailed essays WILL NOT be accepted
-Field Trip to Davis Theater on Thursday, Oct 30
-Persuasive Speech Podcasts due Friday, Oct 31
-Unit 2 Literature Test on Friday, Oct 31

-Continue to discuss Learning and Learning Theories
-Must show research raw data for Social Psych projects on Monday, Oct 27
-APA-formatted experiment write-ups due Friday, Oct 31